About 2,000 foreign tourists will visit Daegu Chimac festival | HaB Korea.net

About 2,000 foreign tourists will visit Daegu Chimac festival

About 2,000 foreign tourists will visit Daegu Chimac festival

The Daegu Metropolitan Government said Monday that about 2,000 foreign tourists will visit Daegu during the city’s famous Chimac Festival, held from Wednesday to Sunday.

The word ‘chimac’ is a compound of the words chicken and beer in Korean.

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About 2,000 foreign tourists will visit Daegu Chimac festival

The tour groups will hail from various countries, including Australia and France, as well as Taiwan, China and Japan.

For the convenience of foreign tourists visiting Daegu, a special ‘chimac’ train will run three times a day on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, connecting Seoul Station to the Dongdaegu Station.

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About 2,000 foreign tourists will visit Daegu Chimac festival

Tourists will visit major tourist destinations such as Dongseong-ro and Seomun Market before visiting the Chimac Festival’s event venue.

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