Cherry blossoms have already begun to bloom in Jeju Island | HaB

Cherry blossoms have already begun to bloom in Jeju Island

Cherry blossoms have already begun to bloom in Jeju Island

A welcome news came as many meteorologists forecast that spring flowers will bloom three to five days earlier than usual due to high average temperatures.

Cherry blossoms have already begun to bloom in Jeju Island, which is located south of Korea. Cherry blossoms that have begun to bloom in Jeju Island are expected to spread across the Korean Peninsula in the near.

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Cherry Blossom in Jeju Island

A weather expert forecasted that cherry blossoms would bloom in Busan and Daegu on the 27th of this month. Changwon and Pohang are expected to blossom on the 28th and Yeosu and Gwangju on the 29th of the same month.

See Also:   "Jeju Island Pink Muhly" available until early December

Gwangju and Jeonju are expected to be on April 1, Daejeon and Andong on April 2, and Seoul on April 5.

This year’s cherry blossom season is usually much earlier than the midterm exam, which takes place between mid-April and the end of April.

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HaB Korea 해브코리아 We are tourism people, we are going to make you happy in Korea! It's your trip, HaB it your way.
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