Chinese tourists spent an average of US$1,887 per person, while Japanese ones laid out $791 for Korea trip | HaB

Chinese tourists spent an average of US$1,887 per person, while Japanese ones laid out $791 for Korea trip

Chinese tourists spent an average of US$1,887 per person, while Japanese ones laid out $791 for Korea trip

Chinese and Japanese tourists, who make up the biggest share among foreign tourists visiting the country, have differences in their preferences and behavior, a government survey showed Wednesday.

According to the survey by the Korea National Tourism Organization, which is affiliated with the culture ministry, 79.1 percent of Chinese tourists and 73 percent of Japanese travelers who visited the country last year, chose Seoul as their favorite destination.

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Their second-favorite destinations, however, were Jeju Island for Chinese travelers (13.3 percent) and Busan for those from Japan (16.5 percent).

Gyeonggi Province was the third-favorite destination for both Chinese travelers (11 percent) and Japanese ones (8.9 percent).

The average number of visits was four for Chinese tourists and 6.1 for Japanese ones. Chinese tourists stayed for 8.2 days on average, compared with Japanese visitors’ 3.9 days. Chinese tourists spent an average of US$1,887 per person, while Japanese ones laid out $791.

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Asked about tour satisfaction, 95.2 percent of Chinese visitors and 86.4 percent of Japanese travelers answered positively, the poll said. (Yonhap)

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HaB Korea 해브코리아 We are tourism people, we are going to make you happy in Korea! It's your trip, HaB it your way.
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