CNBLUE Jung Yong Hwa will join in March

On January 26, FNC Entertainment announced that Jong Yong-Hwa, who was informed of his admission, will join the army on March 5.

Jong Yong-Hwa decided to cancel the schedule for the upcoming international tour ‘Jung Yong Hwa Live [ROOM 622]’ in 2018 at the end of Hong Kong concert held on the 27th January.

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CNBLUE Jung Yong Hwa will join the army in March

The agency official said, “We ask for your generosity and understanding from the fans who are interested in your time, and we will try my best to make sure that no one can see the damage through the proper procedure. We will be notified about the inability to attend the CNBLUE tour.”

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“We would like to ask for your support so that he can return to your healthful and mature form after you have sincerely practiced military service to the call of the nation.”

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