Coronavirus 'COVID-19' - Be careful, but you don't have to be too scared | HaB

Coronavirus ‘COVID-19’ – Be careful, but you don’t have to be too scared

In Korea, most of the confirmed cases of coronavirus ‘COVID-19’ infections are in stable condition without severe symptoms, according to the medical team in charge of the treatment. There are some people who have more severe symptoms than the flu, but the transmission seems to be less powerful than the report said.

“Most (proven patients) are stable and some patients are suffering from physical distress,” said Ahn Bang-hwan, head of the Central Clinic at the National Medical Center, on CBS radio’s “News Show of Kim Hyun-jung” on 12 February. “When a new type of infectious disease occurs, it tends to be found mostly in severe cases, and in China, there are too many patients, so they are not treated properly, or they are treated after they have already advanced to severe conditions, and the death toll appears to be high,” he said. “The severity of the disease is high, but the spread is low compared to influenza.”

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According to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 28 confirmed cases in South Korea have been confirmed by the previous day. Four of them were released from the hospital, and one more is expected to leave the hospital on the same day. (as 13 February, 7 people were recovered) The patient, who was discharged from the hospital on 10 February, underwent a confirmed diagnosis and was released 10 days later after undergoing treatment. Although some people are reported to have symptoms of pneumonia, doctors say that the actual symptoms of the patient are weak compared to the progress of pneumonia in X-retina CT. According to Bang, the oldest patient out of 28 confirmed patients confirmed to date, the 73-year-old was also reported to have moderate symptoms.

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“Some people suffer from severe respiratory virus infection due to the wide difference between humans and others, and others suffer from severe illness or death,” he said. “Some people suffer from a mild case of COVID-19, and others will be able to see if the new test kit is developed properly and the blood serum and antibody tests are carried out.” “There are a lot of cases where patients are suffering from low-lying diseases and elderly patients are getting worse,” he said. “Be careful, but you don’t have to be too scared.”

The Central Clinical TF consists of medical staff from 10 organizations, including the National Medical Center in charge of treating COVID-19 patients. As the information on new infectious diseases is limited, patients are being examined by sharing their clinical pathways and treatments.

Coronavirus 'COVID-19' - Be careful, but you don't have to be too scared

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