Discover Seoul Pass 72 hours Card will be released on May | HaB

Discover Seoul Pass Card

Seoul Metropolitan Government and Seoul Tourism Organization announced that they will release ‘Discover Seoul Pass 72 hours’ on 3rd May.

Discover Seoul Pass was created by Seoul Metropolitan Government and Seoul Tourism Organization to provide Free Independent Travelers(FIT) a convenient way to visit major historical, cultural, and other attractions in Seoul for free and enjoy various additional discounts.

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Discover Seoul Pass Card [72HR]

With the 72 hour pass, the number of free admission sites increased from 21 to 35, and discounts from 13  to 30 partners for performances, duty free stores, and more (no time limit).

It was released in late July of 2016 and it has accumulated more than 20,000 copies in one year and five months. The existing 24-hour pass will cost 30,900 won and the 48-hour pass will cost 55,000 won. The 72-hour pass will be sold at 70,000 won. You can use it as a transportation card if you pay more money.

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You can buy Discover Seoul Pass 72 hours card online on HaB Korea.

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HaB Korea 해브코리아 We are tourism people, we are going to make you happy in Korea! It's your trip, HaB it your way.
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