Everland "Horror Maze" has returned scarier than last year | HaB Korea.net

Everland “Horror Maze” has returned scarier than last year

Everland’s horror experience “Horror Maze” has opened on July 20.

Horror Maze, which is said to have returned scarier than last year, is a horror experience space created under the theme of “Horror Maze,” where the original victims of the brutal experiment were gathered.

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In order to participate in Horror Maze, people have to purchase extra tickets for KRW 5,000 won, apart from the Everland ticket and the annual ticket. Currently, you can pre-book Horror Maze on the Everland website.

Everland "Horror Maze" has returned scarier than last year

It is available from the age of 14 or older, and its use is restricted for the elderly and pregnant women.

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Currently, Everland social media offers a chance to experience the Everland ticket and Horror Maze through a lottery event if you leave the name of a friend who will challenge the Horror Maze with you in the comments.

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