Imagine a day when I operate North Korea tour packages | HaB

Imagine a day when I operate North Korea tour packages

Imagine a day when I operate North Korea tour packages

The ‘4 · 27 South-North Summit’ came close enough to be counted in both hands. On the wall of the Seoul Library, there was a spread of the phrase “Peace Made by the South and the North.”

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Hundreds of flowers were spread in the shape of a peninsula in the Seoul Plaza. Peace on the Korean peninsula does not simply mean resolving inter-Korean conflicts. I hope that the Korean Peninsula will become a symbol of world peace by ending the inter-Korean conflicts with the inflection point.

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Imagine a day when I operate North Korea tour packages from Seoul.

About the author

CEO and founder of HaB Korea. He loves travel explore the world, photography and people. “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”
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