Iron Man officials showed reaction to Skeleton: South Korea's 'Iron Man'

Iron Man officials showed reaction to Skeleton: South Korea’s ‘Iron Man’

Yun Sung-Bin, who was mentioned in Marvel Korea and also Director of Iron Man, has now appeared in Disney’s official SNS. Walt Disney posted a picture with an article on “Skeleton Racer Yun Sung-Bin Wears Iron Man Helmet” on the official Twitter page.

The photo shows the game of Yun Sung-Bin, who is wearing an Iron Man Helmet and riding on the ice.

Disney also linked to Yun Sung-Bin’s article on Disney News through Twitter. Disney News said that Yun Sung-Bin, who is wearing a helmet and running at 128km/h, is like “Iron Man.” “Yun Sung-Bin is also an Iron Man fan since he was a child.”

If you’re going to slide headfirst down a frozen track at speeds hovering around 80mph, you might as well look cool and channel Iron Man while doing so. Well, at least that’s what we first assumed when we saw South Korean skeleton racer Yun Sung-bin. However, not only does Yun willingly compete in skeleton, he’s also one of the best in the sport, which he recently compared to Marvel’s iconic superhero. “The way people ride skeleton is similar to the way Iron Man flies,”

Yun Sung-Bin also said, “I thought that (me) riding in a sled is similar to Iron Man flying to the sky.”

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On the 15th, when Yun Sung-Bin’s first Olympic Games were held, Marvel Korea supported his gold medal through official Facebook and got attention.

Iron Man on ice! #olympics

A post shared by Jon Favreau (@jonfavreau) on

Since then, Yun Sung-Bin won the skeleton gold medal for the first time in Asia, and the actual film ‘Iron Man’ director Jon Favreau praised Yun Sung-Bin as ‘Iron Man on Ice’ in his instagram.

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In referring to Yun Sung-Bin to Disney, ‘Korean Iron Man’ once again proved to be a world-famous sports star.

Iron Man officials showed reaction to Skeleton: South Korea's 'Iron Man'

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HaB Korea 해브코리아 We are tourism people, we are going to make you happy in Korea! It's your trip, HaB it your way.
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