Japanese research institute succeeded in isolating Novel coronavirus - will be used in vaccine development | HaB Korea.net

Japanese research institute succeeded in isolating Novel coronavirus – will be used in vaccine development

Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases announced on 31 January that it has succeeded in separating the virus from people infected with the Novel coronavirus.

According to a report by Kyodo News Service, the institute took samples from the infected person’s throat mucosa and infected them in separate cells and increased the amount to isolating the virus.

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Japanese research institute succeeded in isolating Novel coronavirus - will be used in vaccine development

The institute will use the virus that it separated this time to develop test methods and antiviral drugs. Kyodo News Service predicted that the test is expected to help investigate the nature of the virus or develop drugs and vaccines.

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Novel coronavirus has been isolated in China and other countries, but Japan is the first country to succeed in the separation.

Source: 共同通信

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