Korea to Set up Drive-through Selected Clinics for COVID-19 | HaB Korea.net

Korea to Set up Drive-through Selected Clinics for COVID-19

Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province, will establish and operate a new “Safe Car Selected Clinics,” a new treatment method that can reach medical checkups related to COVID-19, the first of its kind in the country. Selective care centers are places where suspected coronavirus infections (COVID-19) patients visit before visiting medical institutions and health centers in different regions have played a role so far.

According to the city on Wednesday, the “Safe Car Selected Clinics” at the 1st Gongju parking lot of Deokyangju will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day until March 11.

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The safe Car Selected Clinics will operate in the form of a “drive-through” of large fast food or franchise coffee shop stores that place orders in cars.

Citizens can receive applications, questions, and prescriptions at once here. With the recent spread of COVID-19, there has been a need for quick and safe diagnosis and testing methods.

In fact, the number of users at seven select medical centers in the city’s health centers is increasing rapidly, with more than 100 people visiting the clinic a day due to the recent surge in confirmed cases. The spread of infection among suspected cases was high due to longer waiting times for medical treatment and sample collection.

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Goyang Mayor Lee Jae-joon said, “We expect the Safe Car Selected Clinics to protect medical staff and minimize any inconvenience to those in the waiting line, as well as to prevent transmission among those people who have been waiting with suspected ones. We are also considering extending the operation period depending on future situations.”

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