Korean Visa Processing For Filipinos will be 10 days Only, Instead of 1 Month! | HaB Korea.net

Korean Visa Processing For Filipinos will be 10 days Only, Instead of 1 Month!

Last year, the Embassy of Korea in the Philippines has announced that the processing days of Visa will become 1 month because of the large number of tourists applying.

But here is a Good News to those Filipinos who will be traveling to Korea this year! The embassy of Korea in Manila has announced that the Korean Visa Processing days will become 10 to 15 days only instead of 25 to 27 days of waiting for the result. It will be effective by the end of February.

See Also:   Seoul Exempts Foreigners from Visa Extension Through April to Combat Virus

Korean Visa Processing For Filipinos will be 10 days Only, Instead of 1 Month!

It is because the embassy also shared that they allotted additional visa staffs for faster transactions and processing of the Korean Visa in Manila.

The embassy added, for those who will travel to Korea by March to April, the reduced days of processing will be retained during this peak season.

See Also:   Korea allows Visa-free entry, so what's the catch?

Korean Visa Processing For Filipinos will be 10 days Only, Instead of 1 Month!


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