McDonald’s Korea donated burger sets for firefighters in virus-hit Daegu | HaB

McDonald’s Korea donated burger sets for firefighters in virus-hit Daegu

McDonald’s Korea said Tuesday it donated 4,200 burger sets to firefighters in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province, as the region struggles in handling COVID-19.


According to the company, it delivered 4,200 coupons that can be exchanged with the 1955 Burger set menu to Daegu Fire Department and Gyeongbuk Fire Service Headquarters on Monday. With the number of patients increasing in the region that is hit hardest by the epidemic in South Korea, firefighters have been taking the role to transport the patients.

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McDonald’s Korea donated burger sets for firefighters in virus-hit Daegu

“We wish to aid the firefighters working day and night to protect people’s health,” a Mcdonald’s official said. The burger chain made an agreement with the National Fire Agency for the “Happy burger campaign” in 2018 and has since been providing free burgers to bereaved families of fallen fire officers and firefighters injured at work. It also delivered free burgers to firefighters and victims of the forest fire in Gangwon Province last year.

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Source: The Korea Herald

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