N.K. leader apologizes to S. Koreans for shooting case, Cheong Wa Dae says | HaB Korea.net

N.K. leader apologizes to S. Koreans for shooting case, Cheong Wa Dae says

N.K. leader apologizes to S. Koreans for shooting case, Cheong Wa Dae says

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has offered an apology to the South Korean people for the killing of a South Korean civil servant by its military earlier this week, Cheong Wa Dae announced Friday.

The North informed the South of the results of its own probe into what happened.

The North added it had burned “floating material” that carried him, not his body, Suh said.

Meanwhile, Moon and Kim have recently exchanged personal letters, he added.


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She is an operating manager of HaB Korea. Love Korea, Love travel :) HaB it your way!
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