Seoul's the Lunar New Year holiday | HaB

Diverse yet free events will be held at 18 major parks in Seoul over the Lunar New Year holiday, the Seoul Metropolitan Government said, Friday.

The participating parks are Gyeongui Line Forest Park, Namsan Park, World Cup Park, West Seoul Lake Park, Yeouido Park, Seonyudo Park, Pureun Arboretum, Oil Tank Culture Park, Seoul Forest, Eungbong Park, Boramae Park, Citizen’s Forest, Children’s Grand Park and Yulhyeon Park.

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Seoul's the Lunar New Year holiday

Traditional folk games like yut nori, a traditional game played with four wooden sticks, top-spinning and Korean shuttlecock will be held at Namsan Park, World Cup Park and Children’s Grand Park.

On the elevated park, Seoullo 7017, a hanbok-themed event will be held from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. from Feb. 2 to 6 near Sugguk Bakery. Visitors will be able to try on the traditional garb and even dress up as kings, subjects, and warriors from the 1392-1910 Joseon Kingdom. A mega-size yut game will also give visitors a sneak-peek at their New Year’s fortune.

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In Namsan Park, Naksan Park and Jungnang Camping Forest, visitors can learn how to make a bow or a Korean shuttlecock and participate in a tea ceremony. Online reservation is mandatory on the Seoul Public Service Reservation System.

Team race events will be held at World Cup Park, such as “flying rubber shoes” and the “two-snail relay.”

Source: The Korea Times

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