South Korea health authorities to build regional defense vs. COVID-19 | HaB

South Korea health authorities to build regional defense vs. COVID-19

? Recommend travelers(from overseas and local) not to visit Daegu or nearby until COVI-19 case under control in that area

Amid the rise in the number of COVID-19 cases in select areas of the country, health authorities have announced revised responses to the outbreak, saying it considers this stage the first step in which the coronavirus spreads to the provinces in a limited range.

South Korea health authorities to build regional defense vs. COVID-19
Vice Health and Welfare Minister Kim Gang-lip, who is also deputy director of the Central Epidemic Control Countermeasure Headquarters under the Korean Centers for Disease Control, on Feb. 20 gives a daily briefing at Government Complex-Sejong. (Yonhap News)

Vice Health and Welfare Minister Kim Gang-lip, who is also deputy director of the Central Epidemic Control Countermeasure Headquarters under the Korean Centers for Disease Control, on Feb. 20 told a daily briefing at Government Complex-Sejong, “If you suspect that you have COVID-19, please call the 1339 call center or a public health center instead of heading straight to a hospital or an emergency center.”

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Of that national tally, 49 patients are from Daegu or nearby and have been traced to an infected person who attended a local church(name: Shincheonji), a scenario that KCDC described as a “super-spreading event”.

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With the rising demand for COVID-19 diagnostic tests in the provinces, the government will designate more screening clinics and public health doctors to help people with self-isolation and testing.

President Moon Jae-in, in a meeting on Feb. 19 with municipal and provincial superintendents of education at Cheong Wa Dae, stressed the need to bolster regional response systems and set up defenses against the virus.


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