Starbucks Korea's Cherry Blossom MD 2018 limited editions | HaB

Starbucks Korea’s Cherry Blossom MD 2018 limited editions

Starbucks Korea 2018 Spring

On the 16th March, Starbucks Korea has announced that it is introducing a limited edition ‘Cherry Blossom’ 2018 MD.

The Cherry Blossom MD, scheduled to be released on the 20th March, will have a cherry blossom concept as its name suggests.

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Starbucks Korea's Cherry Blossom MD 2018 limited editions Starbucks Korea's Cherry Blossom MD 2018 limited editions

On the outside of the MD is depicted a cherry blossom leaf and a sirens symbol of Starbucks. Most MD colors are pink and violet. The pastel tones of soft colors captivate the fresh spring feeling, capturing the eyes at once.

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It is designed to appeal to women’s tastes of women in their 10s to 30s. Starbucks official said, “The day with cherry blossoms bloom, it will be released soon.”

Custom Cherry Blossom Tour

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