The most famous kissing photography of the century - Your Snap photo Idea | HaB

The most famous kissing photography of the century – Your Snap photo Idea

People kiss each other by expressing how much love each other with the token of their loved ones. There are photographs called kiss of the century by artistically sublimating the wonderful scenes of these kisses.

The most famous kissing photography of the century

The photography of kissing sailor by Alfred Eisenstaedt in 1945 and the kissing in front of the city hall of Paris, taken by Robert Doisneau in 1950, are the most famous kissing photography.

The most famous kissing photography of the century - Your Snap photo Idea

It is a photograph that has already passed decades, but people remember it for a very long time as people watched and enjoyed such wonderful photographs. Do you know that these two pictures are a big difference, even if they are famous kissing photographs?

One photo was accidentally taken without being staged, and another photo became a controversy.

A candid Kissing photograph

Alfred Eisenstaedt, a Life magazine photographer, took pictures of a sailor and a nurse overjoyed at the news of the end of World War II on August 14, 1945, near Times Square in New York. (The Kissing Sailor) Two weeks later LIFE magazine published that image. It became one of the most famous WWII photographs in history (and the most celebrated photograph ever published in the world’s dominant photo-journal), a cherished reminder of what it felt like for the war to finally be over.

Later known as Edith Shain, a woman in kissing photography, a nurse working near Times Square, who was 27 years old at the time, said the sailor she kissed was a stranger to her and she never saw him again after that day.

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In Eisenstaedt’s autobiographies “Eye of Eisenstaedt” and “Eisenstaedt on Eisenstaedt: A Self-Portrait,” he explains the situation in which he took a photograph.

“I was walking through the crowds on V-J Day, looking for pictures. I have noticed a sailor coming my way. He was grabbing every woman he could find and kissing them all – young girls and old ladies alike. Then I noticed the nurse, standing in that enormous crowd. I focused on her, and just as I hoped, the sailor came along, grabbed the nurse, and bent down to kiss her. I do not have a picture. I do not have a nurse. The contrast between each white dress and the sailor’s dark uniform gives the photograph its extra impact.”

Alfred Eisenstaedt’s photograph of “Kissing Sailor” is also known as “V-J Day in Times Square” or “V-J Day Kiss” or “Times Square Kiss”.

The most famous kissing photography of the century - Your Snap photo Idea

A controversial Kissing photograph that it turns out it was staged

In contrast to photographs of “Kissing Sailor”, Robert Doisneau’s “Kiss by the Hotel de Ville” Also known as the famous kissing photograph.

However, it was controversial because, later it was known to have been staged, but the kissing scene is exquisite and touching, and it shows the black & white photographs of romantic aspects of the daily life of Paris.

The most famous kissing photography of the century - Your Snap photo Idea

It is clear that this photo, also known as the image representing Paris emotionally as it passes by so many people, has been sold for hundreds of thousands of posters and postcards, so it is a wonderful kissing picture for sure. It is noteworthy that the photograph, which was published in the 1950s American magazine ‘Life’, was not noticed at the time of its first publication, but it became known as a famous kissing photo as it was produced as a poster after 30 years.

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Recently, a documentary film about the biography of French photographer Robert Doisneau, who took this picture, was released, and we will be able to understand his world better and see his world through the lens. In this documentary, he became known as a Parisian photographer, and his life was dealt with.

Doisneau captured unassuming images of street life around Paris, as well as working on prestigious advertising and photojournalism campaigns. “The marvels of daily life are so exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street,” he once said. Recruited as both a soldier and photographer for the French resistance at the outbreak of the Second World War, Doisneau also produced images of France in wartime.

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