Things you may not know about Dream Concert | HaB

Things you may not know about Dream Concert

Dream Concert is the largest KPOP concert brand in the history of the Republic of Korea with 1.12 million viewers and 460 or more members of the cast, and it is planning a concert by selecting issues around us each year to deliver social enlightenment activities and messages and participate in them together so that we can convey the values we can feel like members of a naturally shared society.

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Dream Concert started with a joint charity concert hosted by the Korea Entertainment Producers Association. The concert, which was held in the late 1980s and early 1990s under the name of an environmental concert, has been held since 1995 by the Korea Entertainment Producers Association and so-called, Yeonjehyup(Entertainment Producers Association) to increase the scale to be held every May or June.

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Since 1995, SBS has been editing and broadcasting programs for an hour. Since 2011, SBS has been recording and broadcasting again. In 2018, the show will be aired on SBS Plus, a paid channel, rather than on SBS’ public TV network.

Dream Concert was available free of charge until 2009, but it was changed to a donation concert in 2010 through a booking, which excludes stage effects and basic expenses. It was held at Seoul Olympic Main Stadium from 1995 to 2008 and moved to Seoul World Cup Stadium in Sangam-dong from 2009.

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Dream Concert was once an annual event to check the number of fans who were extremely enthusiastic, although it was ostensibly decorated with good words such as a teenager’s consciousness and a donation concert. A total of 32 patients were hospitalized in the six years of 1997-2003 when the fight between fan clubs was at its peak. Fainting caused by excitement was excluded.

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HaB Korea 해브코리아 We are tourism people, we are going to make you happy in Korea! It's your trip, HaB it your way.
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