Tips Worth To Share During My First Ever Snow Experience in Korea! | HaB

For those people who live in a tropical country like me, we always dream about experiencing snowflakes falling from the clouds, having a freezing climate, enjoying snowball fights, and building a snowman. So, I told myself that if ever I am traveling out of the country, I would rather choose the one which has a winter season and South Korea is one of the best countries in Asia to experience it!

Tips Worth To Share During My First Ever Snow Experience in Korea!Tips Worth To Share During My First Ever Snow Experience in Korea!

Winter season in South Korea starts from the middle of November up to the middle of March. Though the sun often shines, so you really must be lucky when you are there and the snow falls from the sky, it’s kind of an achievement. Snowfalls are relatively rare and not abundant, depends on the location of the place, though there are a lot of Snow parks and attractions that offer snow experience.

Since it was my first winter experience, I would like to share things that may help when you finally have your own frozen adventure.

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1) The Way You Should Dressed – Layering is not just for cakes because when it’s winter, you also have to layer your clothes when going outside. I had 3 layers of top and 2 pants usually. Plus, the scarf, hand gloves, face masks, ear gloves, and winter boots. Wear everything that would make you feel warm.  But, here is a little tip: When you pick clothes, it should be quality over quantity, so you don’t have to layer much.

2) Winter Coat – Yes, winter is not just for layering clothes, it is also for great fashion. Winter coats are a little bit pricy so when you buy one, make sure that it is worth it, and you can still use it for the other winter. I called it “winter coat investment”. I suggest you should pick long ones, lightweight, and of course “worth using” (good quality).

Tips Worth To Share During My First Ever Snow Experience in Korea!

3)Take Vitamins!  Queen Elsa is not right about the line “The cold never bothered me anyway” because it’s so cold and it feels like you can be totally frozen. Anytime, your body will react differently due to drastic changes in weather, you can catch a cold or even flu, so never forget to take vitamins every day. There are also stores in Korea selling vitamin c with honey drinks.

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4) Skin Care – Dry winter often cause cracked skin so prepare your moisturizers! The hand and lips are easily affected, so hand creams and lip balms must always with you. Also, the cold can also burn, so always wear skin products to protect it from the cold.

Tips Worth To Share During My First Ever Snow Experience in Korea!

5) Enjoy every minute of the Snowfall! – It is truly magical when these tiny little things called snowflakes are falling from the gloomy sky. There are a lot of activities during the winter season to enjoy like skiing, snowboarding, or even just a simple walk outside is wonderful and fun to do. If you want to experience these exciting activities, book them now at! and let them arrange your winter wonderful adventure!

Tips Worth To Share During My First Ever Snow Experience in Korea!

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Hi Everyone! I am a Sales Representative of HaB Korea here in the Philippines | How can I help you? | "Travel the best way you could!"
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