[Video] It's Snowing in Korea! | HaB Korea.net

Snow is falling in inland Gangwon Province now. The snow fell 20 centimeters on October 18 in the upper section of Mt. Seoraksan, but it was the first snow in inland areas this fall.

According to the Gangwon Provincial Meteorological Administration, it is snowing or raining in the southern part of the country at 5:30 p.m. on the same day.

Snow is falling in most of the central regions, including Daegwanryeong, Wonju, and Baegunsan Mountain, and in central areas such as Hoengseong Anheung, Pyeongchang, Bongpyeong, and Hongcheon, but no recorded snowfall was calculated.

[Video] It's Snowing in Korea!

The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) predicted that snow will fall between 1 and 5 centimeters in the mountains in the central and southern regions until the night.

Some large amounts of snow will accumulate around the southern mountainous region, and the Young Seo region will accumulate a little as the rain comes down.

“With the icy rain and snow on the roads, passengers should be careful about traffic accidents and pedestrians should be careful about safety accidents,” the Korea Meteorological Administration said.

See Also:   [Photo] Seoul covered with snow

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HaB Korea 해브코리아 We are tourism people, we are going to make you happy in Korea! It's your trip, HaB it your way.
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