What if BTS attend your own wedding? | HaB Korea.net

What if BTS attend your own wedding and even perform their hit song? Is it like an imaginary story? But it actually happens!

On the 20th July, World class KPOP Boy Group BTS attended their manager’s wedding.

The BTS sang their hits song “DNA” as a celebration for the manager at the wedding. Before the start of the song, the RM shouted, “Bro Ho-bum is getting married!” Of course, the wedding venue is worse than the real stage, BTS showed their ability by showing the live broadcasting of the quality.

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BTS members dragged the manager to the middle of the stage and encouraged him to dance. The manager seemed to be a little shy for a while, but he showed a colorful dancing without being able to tolerate it.

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After completing the wedding celebration performance, BTS did not forget to say that they were celebrating their manager’s marriage.

During the busy schedule like a hell, BTS, who attended their manager’s wedding ceremony and proved their righteousness, will release the album ‘LOVE YOURSELF 結 Answer’ album on August 24th.

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